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Real Magic by Isaac Bonewits 1971, revised 1978, 1988
Real Magic
Real Magic
Authentic Thaumaturgy whole of Reformed Druidism. Because many researchers probably
Authentic Thaumaturgy
Authentic Thaumaturgy by Isaac Bonewits 1977
Authentic Thaumaturgy
Authentic Thaumaturgy
Although these reasonably widely published books are not specifi- only skimmed through it at best or perhaps hastily concluded that if
cally about Reformed Druidism, they were written while Isaac was an Berkeley was like this; so must everyone else. DC(E) is definitely
active Reformed Druid, and they can provide instructive insights written for the insider-Druid, not for the casual reader or quick re-
into how Isaac Bonewits understood magick, ritual and group dy- searcher. Perhaps the encyclopaedists wished to pigeon-hole the
namics. They also show the complexity of religious theology that RDNA and used Isaac as a willing or convenient figure-head for
Isaac possessed and is a strong contrast to the frequent simplicity of the group.
the Reform. Especially interesting is a liturgical analysis of RDNA An important omission from this compendium was the Green
ritual. Even to the cursory reader, it is obvious that Isaac has an Book of Meditations, a result of copyright problems, which illus-
incredible talent & joy for tying-up slippery subjects into intricate, trated the core of the Carleton policy of drawing upon diverse exist-
working definitional structures. Isaac can make a definition for just ing
ing Asian & World religions in addition to religions of the past.273
about everything, definitions which mesh with eachother like cogs in A hind-sight problem with Isaac s Apocrypha, is that all the letters
a clock. Unfortunately if you disagree violently with one or two cogs, that argued against Isaac s definitional referendum in 1974 were not
the whole system (like most theilogies/theologies) can grate on you. found in Isaac s Apocrypha.274 This is primarily justified in that Isaac
This is important later in this study, because it was Isaac s im- expected additional letters to be added to the Apocrypha by the indi-
pulse of applying very detailed definitions (in a perhaps overly au- vidual owners of copies of DC(E). The unfortunate result is a general
thoritative tone) that drove many RDNA members into a frenzy. bias amongst the printed matter in his favor. Isaac printed a remark-
Perhaps it is the common assumption of the layperson that every ably careful and honest account of the voting results in The Book of
group s thealogy needs to be detailed and fixed (and then published) Changes about the pivotal issues of self-definition of the debates on
that led to the assumption that Isaac must have been the most in- Neo-Paganism vs. Multi-religioned, Religion vs. Philosophy and about
spired Reformed Druid leader. Most other Reformed Druids did not organizational change. Isaac also showed that the following events
really care too much about liturgy, and were probably therefore never led to everyone re-affirming the traditional right of individuals choos-
considered leaders. . I highly doubt that many Reformed Druids ing their own definitions.
have ever intellectualized the Order of Worship to the same extent as While still a handy compendium of primary documents and ar-
Isaac. While certainly the most published Druid, Isaac s works must cane past customs, the DC(E) s place as THE SOLE REFERENCE
be understood to be elaborations of his own personal beliefs rather tool for serious and balanced scholarship should be soon replaced
than those of Reformed Druidism, which can never be more than by the International Druid Archives and A Reformed Druid Anthol-
simple. ogy 275. In the IDA collection, the DC(E) will still serve as a historical
document for understanding how the NRDNA & SDNA saw them-
Druid Chronicles (Evolved) selves as different from the RDNA. Since several of the documents
Druid Chronicles (Evolved)
Druid Chronicles (Evolved)270 DC(E) published 1976
Druid Chronicles (Evolved)
Druid Chronicles (Evolved)
Edited by Isaac Bonewits & Robert Larson with dozens of contribut- and customs in DC(E) are still found written down nowhere else,
ing authors. this will ensure the continued importance of DC(E) for study in
This tome was the most recent predecessor of this paper in pro- future years, just like the original Blue Book of Archives at Carleton.
viding a history of Reformed Druid. DC(E) is also very likely to bias But its greatest importance remains for understanding one or two
1978 edition
sides in a very many-sided debate. 1978 edition
1978 edition
1978 edition
1978 edition
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